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Group of Eight results


The Group of Eight (Go8) comprises Australia's leading research institutions: the University of Melbourne, the Australian National University, the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, the University of Western Australia, the University of Adelaide, Monash University and UNSW Sydney.


The Go8’s research leadership is reflected in past and present ERA results. As with Sydney’s results, the Go8 research performance is provided for each assessed FoR.

Two-digit codes group research into broad subject areas or divisions. For example, the two-digit FoR code 11 represents all research within the subject area of Medical and Health Sciences. Four-digit codes are areas of research that can be logically grouped within a division (i.e., a two-digit FoR code). For example, the four-digit FoR code of 1109 represents all research relating to Neurosciences.


The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the results for the Go8 at the four-digit FoR level. This report is structured into three sections. The first section summarises the ratings by ERA assessment at the two-digit and four-digit code level. The second section discusses the change in ratings across all two- and four-digit FoR codes from ERA 2015 to ERA 2018. The final section displays the ratings for each four-digit FoR code and Go8 institution.

Additional information about the ERA assessment can be found on our Interpreting the data page and The ERA Assessment page. Further information is available on the ERA intranet site.

Summary of results

This section focuses on the number of FoRs assessed at each rating across Go8 institutions. The following table displays the number of four-digit FoRs by year, rating received, and Go8 institution. Use the filters to view results for a specific year or institution.

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Summary of changes

The three-year gap between ERA submissions is large enough that there can be changes in ratings across a substantial number of FoRs at each institution.

For the purposes of this report, the focus is on ratings at or above world standard (i.e., 3, 4 and 5) as these are good indicators of research strength on the international stage.

Number of FoRS changed by Go8 institution from 2015 and 2018

The following chart shows the change in the number of four-digit FoR codes that were rated 3, 4, and 5 in ERA 2015 and ERA 2018. Institutions are listed on the y-axis and the number of FoRs changed are plotted on the x-axis. Ratings of 3, 4 and 5 are coloured in different shades of blue.

Sydney and UNSW both recorded substantial decreases in FoRs rated at 3 relative to their peers, and in the process, meaningfully shifting the locus of research performance. The two institutions diverged, however, in their ability to convert that improved performance into FoRs rated at 5, with Sydney picking up a net gain of two FoRs rated at 5 and UNSW a net gain of 21. The Go8 institutions as a whole improved their number of FoRs rated at 5 by an average of 9 per institution.

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Results by FoR

The following table contains ERA 2018 ratings across the Go8 by four-digit FoR code. Use the filter to limit the results by two-digit FoR as needed.

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Further reading

This report focuses on the ERA results for the Group of Eight. Continue to learn about ERA results by reading the following reports.

Additional information about the ERA assessment can be found on our Interpreting the data page and The ERA assessment page. Further information is available on the ERA intranet site.